Childfree by Choice/Chance

So I figure today would be a great day to dive into our decision to remain childfree, and let me say that word again because some people often use the term “childless”, and it’s incorrect.

The reason I’ve decided to jump into this subject today is, I’ve been hearing and reading more and more that many people, women especially find it selfish to not choose motherhood.

To be honest, I’m a little shocked. While I know we live in a society of political correctness and social justice, I assumed we were well past telling women that it’s not okay for her to choose her husband or career over parenting. It is 2019 after all…

My husband and I have numerous reasons why we have chosen not to jump on the parent train and I will list them below, in fact I shared these reasons with a small group of other Stay at Home wives without kids today, and it’s nice to know we aren’t alone.

Our reasons:

1. They are expensive; we like not being broke
2. We are trying to embrace a Minimalist lifestyle and although we could with kids it would be better without.
3. We don’t want to raise kids in today’s society, we just feel like the world we live in, isn’t like when we were kids. Granted every generation feels this way, but we feel very strongly about this.
4. Various health reasons between the two of us.
5. It just hasn’t happened for us, we are in our mid-late 30s and it kind of feels like it’s not part of God’s plan for us, that could change or it may not.
6. We 🖤 sleep…

We’ve both been through rough marriages that have made us realize that our relationship with each other is too valuable to disturb by adding kids in the mix, not that kids aren’t amazing!

We just don’t feel it’s part of our plan, BUT should God change that we are 100% okay with it.

Between our two cats and the sweet little girl I nanny, our cups runneth over as is.

It’s 2019, now what?

So I started a blog 2 years ago, made one post and that was that. I realized as with most things, I’m a quitter. Not like intentionally or anything, it’s not like I set out to purposely disappoint everyone around me, sometimes it just feels like that’s what happens.

Kids, this is what we call a “people pleaser”.

There it is, that phrase, those two words that so graphically describe one of my biggest struggles.

It’s true folks, I’m a people pleaser, and even worse…well not worse, at least not in my eyes, anymore…I’m highly sensitive…like look at me the wrong way and I will cry sensitive…it’s true ask my Mom or my husband!

Yes, it’s true I not only struggle with feelings of inadequacy but then when I feel like I’m inadequate it breaks down any glimmer of light in my eyes, and I feel worthless.

Wow Sarah, this is terrible! Why would you start your blog off with all this dark, moody stuff?

Well 1st blog post, I will tell you why!

2019 is bringing forth a lot of change for the Millers. We will be learning and growing more, but also stretching and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones as we dive further into our passions for our businesses, our marriage and our childfree by choice, minimalist lifestyle.

With that being said, I know change in whatever season of your life you are in can really test a person, and a high range of emotions will closely follow.

So buckle up…obviously if you are in a car you should do this anyway but wherever you are sitting brace yourself, this ride is gonna get bumpy…but fun!

photo of plants on the table
Photo by Designecologist on